Friday, September 30, 2011

Week 7 Denisha Jackson

This week was kind of limited. We had half day and an assembly. We went of section 6 Legal and Ethic Issues. 6.1 was over Government and laws. 6.2 was over Social responsibilities and ethics. I also made a flyer for late start.

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Week 6 by Denisha Jackson

This week was a short week. During this short week i learned about the free enterprise system in chapter 5. This chapter talked about the traits of private enterprise.  I also learned the 8 types of business and the 4 functions of business.       

Friday, September 16, 2011

week 5 of marketing

This week in marketing I learned about governments involvement in trade. I learned the trade barriers. The trade barriers are tariff, quota, and embargo. I also took chapter four vocabulary test.

Friday, September 9, 2011

Marketing Class week 4

This week in marketing I worked with my group on our group plan. My group chose to do a car wash. I also worked on my flyer. on my flyer I chose to do ACT plan and explore. Also this week I reviewed lesson 3.2 learning words such as inflation which means refers to writing prices.

week 4

Week for I worked on my Group marketing plan, allison, 3.2 vocabulary and review, and my flyer. my group chose to do a car wash for our event. On Allison I chose study criminal justice. In 3.2 review i learned words like inflation, which means raising prices. On my flyer I chose to do Halloween night.

Friday, September 2, 2011

week 3 blog

This week i learned more vocabulary words. Words such as SWOT analysis. SWOT analysis is strength, weakness, oppurtunities, and threats. i also worked  in a group , tryimg to put together an activity for hogan students